Bamford Rock Testing Services | Experts in Rock Strength, Excavatability and Abrasivity Testing for Mining and Tunnelling Projects | About Bill Bamford
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About Bill Bamford

Dr Bill Bamford is recognised as a world leader in the field of specialised rock testing with a lifetime of experience and research devoted to the area.


He has established a fine team at BRTS – highly qualified young testing engineers, an experienced Laboratory Manager and a competent administrator.


In 1967, Dr Bill Bamford commenced lecturing, performing research and managing a rock testing laboratory at the University of Melbourne. During this time he had vast experience with comparing geotechnical tests developed in different countries with different manufacturers of rock excavating equipment, as well as testing to predict the performance of rock excavating machinery in different types of rock. He is able to compare the performances of various pieces of equipment in particular situations and has developed standard suites of tests relevant to Diamond Drilling, Rotary Drilling, Percussive Drilling (Down Hole), Percussive Drilling (Top Hammer), Road Headers, Raise & Shaft Borers, Tunnel Boring Machines, Trenching, and Strain Burst risk assessment.


Dr Bamford is currently an honorary Principal Fellow and Associate Professor in the Melbourne School of Engineering in the University of Melbourne. His specialisations include rock mechanics, mine design, geotechnical engineering. He held the position of Vice-President for the International Society for Rock Mechanics for 8 years. Other appointments include being the National Chairman of the Australian Geomechanics Society and of the Australasian Tunnelling Society. Dr Bamford’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering in Applied Geology, with Honours Class 2A from the University of NSW, a Master of Engineering from the University of Melbourne, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Melbourne.


Prior to the establishment of Bamford Rock Testing Services, Dr Bill Bamford was employed at Coffey International where he headed the specialty rock testing department for a period of 2 years, performing numerous specialist tests for mining and civil clients globally, but left in 2014 to establish BRTS.