Bamford Rock Testing Services | Experts in Rock Strength, Excavatability and Abrasivity Testing for Mining and Tunnelling Projects | News
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Happy New Year to everyone! As part of the New Year celebrations, please welcome Debbie Parker to BRTS as our new Office Manager.

She starts on 6th January 2025 and we hope she will enjoy working here at North Melbourne with our lab team, as well as our wonderful clients.

Thanks to Jenny, retiring as OM, but who will remain on site for a while and continue to work in the “back room”.


Bamford Rock Testing Services will be closed from 4pm, 20th December until 8am on the 6th January 2025.

We wish all our clients and suppliers a safe and happy Festive Season. Thank you all for your support throughout 2024.

Looking forward to working more with you next year and beyond!


Caption (from R to L).         Professor Charlie Li of the University of Trondheim Norway, Professor Antonio Bobet of Purdue University USA, and Dr Ian Gray of Sigra, Brisbane in discussion with Dr Bill Bamford.

BRTS was pleased to welcome several of the guest speakers for AusRock Conference 2022 at its laboratory in North Melbourne. AusRock was the ISRM’s regional symposium and offered a large programme both in person and via technology, to discuss the latest ideas and research.

Last week, some of the presenters came at the personal invitation of Dr Bill Bamford, Director of BRTS, to the laboratory. They were able to speak with the Laboratory Manager, Dr Darshi Palamakumbure, the Deputy Lab Manager, Rushan Dayarathne as well as with Bill.

All of them were impressed with the facility, the work being done here and were excited to discuss their own work with BRTS staff.
Anyone who would like to visit the laboratory should contact

Bill Bamford participated in the Legends Panel Discussion last night as part of the ATS’ 50th Celebrations. It was appropriate that he was there as he was a key figure to the formation of the Society in 1972 and organised some of its major international achievements, including the 1983 ISRM Congress, the 1987 World Tunnel Congress and GeoEng 2000.

He answered questions about his role in setting up the Australian Tunnelling Society and what he thinks about preparation for young engineers to become involved in tunnelling. He shared the panel with Diane Mather and Arnold Dix, and they were asked questions by Rachael McCarrison.  The discussions were witnessed by a live audience in Melbourne, broadcast to Sydney and Brisbane audiences, as well as online.

The love for tunnelling was evident as was a recognition that continuing work for engineers was to involve themselves in making the case for intergenerational infrastructure and planning in a way that engineers are so good at – creatively and passionately.

PHOTOS to follow


On Wednesday evening, 23rd March, at the Windsor Ballroom in Melbourne, AGS Victorian chapter, held its 50th Anniversary dinner.

A wonderful occasion to celebrate 50 years of growth, service and innovation in Geomechanics in Victoria and at a national level.

At this special occasion, AGS chose to honour five of its members with Honorary Life Memberships – Professor Ian Johnston, Dr Chris Haberfield and our own Dr Bill Bamford who were present on the night; unfortunately Max Ervin and Dr Fred Baynes were unable to be there but will receive their honour at a later time.

Chris Coulson spoke glowingly of Bill’s career from his early time at the Snowy (1.0) through academia and to the present time in his eponymous business. Bill’s response highlighted the coincidences and arcs of his work from Sputnik and Tantangara to Snowy 2.0; Melbourne Underground Rail Loop to the Melbourne Metro; as well as his delight in the history of other pioneers in geomechanical engineering and navigation (you had to be there!).

We look forward to working more with Bill in the future.

Photos to follow.

If you are interested in having some rock samples tested for an engineering project – please contact BRTS through the website or by phone (03 9329 2818).

We are able to advise you on the best testing for your particular job and its requirements. Rock strength? Machine bits wearing out too quickly? Abrasive rocks where you’re digging? Yes to all those and more.

Dr Bill Bamford and other laboratory staff can help you with your questions, suggest a suite of appropriate testing and deliver results in a timely and professional manner.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.