Bamford Rock Testing Services | Experts in Rock Strength, Excavatability and Abrasivity Testing for Mining and Tunnelling Projects | News
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Mahdi Miri Disfani giving Bill his AGS Life Membership Certificate.


Dr Bill Bamford has received an honorary life membership of the AGS. One of 15 exceptional geotechnical professionals to be awarded an inaugural Life Membership, Bill has played a significant part in supporting the geotechnical profession in Australia. The June issue of the Australian Geomechanics Journal listed their contributions and accomplishments.

The introduction of honorary life membership in this, the AGS’ 50thanniversary year, is a fitting tribute to Bill’s work and the advancements he made in geotechnics in Australia.

This week, 12 students and their lecturer, Prof John Smith from RMIT, visited BRTS. They heard a lecture from Dr Bill Bamford, the head of Bamford Rock Testing Services, about the range of our services, the scope of testing for current projects in the laboratory and geotechnical work being undertaken in Victoria at the moment. All were delighted to watch videos starring and made by several of the Testing Engineers at BRTS, showcasing the tests and machines used here. A walkaround the laboratory at the end was very much appreciated by all.

Dr William Bamford has been re-appointed as an honorary Principal Fellow, with the title of Associate Professor, in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne. It continues his long association with the University and recognises his fine contribution to the development and excellence of engineering in this state and country.

His ongoing association with the Engineering departments and Faculty at the University of Melbourne sometimes includes mentoring students here at BRTS, making the BRTS Rock Testing Laboratory available to engineering colleagues as well as continuing his important work in Geotechnical Testing and Consulting for engineering projects around Australia.

Great news for BRTS and the tunnelling world – Drs Bill Bamford, Ehsan Yaghoubi and Darshika Palamakumbure from BRTS will be presenting papers at the ATS conference in Sydney later this year.
Their topics range from Cutter/Rock Interface Friction : Worth Measuring Accurately?; to Predicting The Abrasiveness Of Soft And Sandy Soils With Realistic Densities And Moisture Contents.
For more conference or ATS details, go to and

Dr Bill Bamford and the team at BRTS have been refining their work on the SGAT. Go to the Publications page and see the two new articles.
There is the “BRTS SGAT Brochure” full of information about the testing and the “SGAT Testing Protocol” regarding how the testing is conducted and sample results.
If you would like more information about this exciting new development, please call or email us.